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Writer's pictureCinti

Traveling is my hobby... but what does that mean?

Updated: Oct 2

When I decided to take the plunge and start my blog, I thought about the introduction for a long time. Who am I, but mostly why would I do this? The phrase that travelling is my hobby sounds cliché. A hobby, by definition, is something you do in your free time, something that is a form of relaxation and gives you pleasure. Travelling gives me all of this, but in truth, much more. It's a way of thinking.

Are you familiar with the feeling when you step out of the plane, out of the car, or any other means of transportation you have chosen to reach your destination? Those few seconds when you look around and your senses process the characteristics of the environment - the weather, the time of day, the people, the smells - those are simply intangible. I consider it a huge privilege that I had the opportunity to experience this again and again. Every trip is a little different, there were times when I arrived like a drugged bunny, completely fired up and excited. It also happened that I was a shadow of myself due to fatigue, and I was glad that I was finally one step closer to a soft bed. But they all had one thing in common: the thrill of discovering something new.

When I visit a new place, I try to observe, experience, and collect memories with all my senses. Be it a colourful, fiery tribal dance, the smell of rain in the jungle, the crunch of snow under my feet, or even delicious authentic snacks to taste. I like to observe the locals in those everyday moments that they don't even notice and don't even think of anyone being interested in. An example of that is when everyone is sitting on the terrace of a café facing the street in a small Greek town and drinks a frappé while discussing the big things in life or simply the result of yesterday's soccer match. They slow down and take the time just to be, without any agenda or to dos. When you hear Italians passionately talking to each other, you often can't decide whether they really agree on something or are actually debating about it, since both are done with heated hand gestures and a raised tone of voice. Seeing children in uniform going to the school bus is still an unusual phenomenon, since I was socialized in a completely different environment. If our journey takes us to France, we can observe the charm, the delicate elegance, the swinging steps, which make French women so different, almost exotic. In Asia, the practice of Eastern religions can offer a completely unusual experience on a daily basis - families bringing fruits, flowers, and whatever they want to offer as a sacrifice to the gods on a seemingly ordinary Wednesday morning. The atmosphere of the oriental bazaars, the intense scents, and sound effects create such a colorful whirlwind that it is often difficult to process them all at once.

In order to be able to see and experience these, I also make decisions (sacrifice sounds too dramatic). Saving money in order to buy a plane ticket or book a dream trip is present in my everyday life. I try to devote 90% of my annual leave to such experiences, and to this day a new destination can make me happier than a new wardrobe in the living room. Of course, I'm not saying that I'm subordinating everything to travelling the world, but as long as there are no other priorities in my life, I'll try to prioritize this as much as I can. I never knew what I would be when I grew up, but I did know that I wanted to combine my love of learning foreign languages ​​with travelling the world in whatever form it took.

When the pandemic broke out and forced everyone to stay at home, I felt like a bird with broken wings. Even so, I was one of the lucky ones who really just had to sit down and wait behind closed doors. Back then I learntthat you should always take advantage of the opportunity when it is given, not when you think the circumstances are ideal, because they never really are. I try to follow this kind of mindset and approach in all areas of life. Travelling is also a kind of therapy for me. A tool to break the dullness and monotony of everyday life, to gain strength and recharge myself, so that I can successfully deal with all obstacles moving forward. There are times when this turns into a more extreme state, when I live from trip to trip and the only thing floating in front of my eyes is that I can go somewhere in 5 months time. When that happens, I always know that I have to find balance in my everyday life, because that's how I get the most out of my adventures. In such cases, I tend to recall memories and look at pictures that remind me of feelings that the given place evoked in me - a tingling sensation, the enjoyment of a sweet siesta or just the fact that sometimes it's enough to just be, without any other tasks or agenda. With each new adventure, I was able to learn something about myself and the world, and these experiences are constantly shaping me and my mindset.

I hope that my love for travel and my desire to see as many corners of the world as possible will captivate many. Not only do I like to tell stories about my travels, but even more I like to listen to other people's anecdotes, so if I can help in any way, I will always be happy to do so. The good thing is that I already know what I want to be: a traveler and an adventuress.

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” /J.R.R. Tolkien/




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You can read about my adventures and experiences that, I hope, will help you to discover new places. Click here to find more about me.

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